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  • Writer's pictureTheAnd1Podcast - Darryl

Ranking the new NBA 'City Edition' Jerseys

As you know, all 30 NBA teams dropped their city edition jerseys recently. Some are a work of art while some are just not really cutting the mustard.


1. Chicago Bulls

These are clean, the baby blue stripes and red stars look great on the dark vest. 10/10

2. Brooklyn Nets

Less is more on this occasion. The multi coloured trim pays homage to Bed Stuy native Biggie Small and fits perfectly with the black strip. 10/10

3. Miami Heat

The strip is designed to reflect the Miami Vice colourway and the pink & blue fit perfectly. The bright colours stand out on this dark kit but are not overpowering. 9.5/10

4. San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs love a little bit of camo dont they? and luckily so do I. It's a staple of 'special' Spurs strips and they have mastered it. 9/10

5. Toronto Raptors

The Gold on this jersey is perfect on the white background. Such a sleek design 9/10

6. Orlando Magic

The giant logo makes this for me. They may not be the best basketball team but they've had some elite styles over the years and this is up there with the best. 8.5/10

7. Dallas Mavericks

Another giant logo making it high up the rankings. Smooth logo on the black background give it a great 3D effect. 8.5/10

8. Houston Rockets

To the naked eye these look quite plain. The Chinese style detail which covers the whole vest is a great little detail. 8/10

Middle of the road

9. Oklahoma City Thunder

I do like these but not as much as everyone else seems too. The colour scheme is very nice but I don't like the font at all. Overall a decent strip. 7/10

10. New York Knicks

A solid design here. The blue and orange paneling around the next and arms is a great feature. 7/10

11. Golden State Warriors

The logo on this is special and the font is very unique. Pretty cool but similar to their normal strip. 7/10

12. Charlotte Hornets

The turquoise-y blue fits great on the dark strip. Solid design and I love seeing the Jordan logo on it. 7/10

13. Philadelphia 76ers

This design is lowkey quite good. The red, white and blue paneling is a nice little detail and the stars around the middle really make this jersey look great. 7/10

14. Minnesota Timberwolves

The pink on black is a good idea, but it doesn't work great, not like Miami's. I'm not a fan of the font either. 6/10

15. Phoenix Suns

Los Suns tried to spice up there strip and it sort of worked. It's a middle of the road type jersey, not bad but not good either. 6/10

16. Sacramento Kings

The baby blue is a great colour but they should have went full baby blue. The red and white parts don't fit too well and the 'Sac Town' logo isn't my cup of tea. 6/10

17. Denver Nuggets

I like the idea of trying to recreate their classic style but something seems off here. It's slightly worse than the retro one and there's no need for the big 'NUGGETS' writing. 6/10

18. Washington Wizards

I'm a fan of the 'district' logo but the jersey is still pretty plain. 6/10

19. Portland Trail Blazers

The 'Rip City' design still looks good but the jersey as a whole seems dated. 6/10

20. Atlanta Hawks

I'm a big fan of the gold on this jersey but I feel like their style is very dated and not in a classic way. 5.5/10

21. Indiana Pacers

I'm not a big fan of the shade of grey but the yellow and blue liven it up a bit so it's not a complete bore. 5/10

22. Memphis Grizzlies

Similar to the Pacers, the grey is boring but the vibrant yellow and blue give it character. 5/10


23. Detroit Pistons

Not particularly great. The other dark jersey had great detail on them but these are quite bland. 4.5/10

24. Boston Celtics

Way too similar to their normal jersey. The gold outline on the green writing is pretty nice but way too boring for me. 4/10

25 . LA Lakers

Too much purple here. It's annoyingly similar to their normal style, pretty lazy design. 4/10

26. LA Clippers

Such a basic design, very boring. At least the teams lower down on the rankings tried to be bold. I mean they failed but still. Plain 3.5/10

27. Milwaukee Bucks

Hello yellow. So much yellow, a bit too much. The red shoulder patch throws the whole design off. 4/10

28. Cleveland Cavaliers

Why are they trying to look like the Knicks? I mean at least try to look like the Warriors. Reminds me of an Irn Bru can. Not a fan. 3/10

29. New Orleans Pelicans

I'm not a fan of the purple, green and yellow all on one jersey. Pretty basic design that a child would come up with. Next. 2/10

30. Utah Jazz

I'm sorry but this design is trash. The sunset type style they've gone for doesn't even represent Utah. Too many bright colours imo. Reminds me of a rocket ice lolly. 1/10

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